4 Effective Ways To Remove Tonsil Stones Without Surgery

Sometimes you might feel that there is something stuck in your throat and you might notice some white, little nuggets.

These are actually tonsil stones and many people have them. Sometimes, they do not even know they do.

Why do Tonsil Stones Appear?

  • They develop when the bacteria, mucus, dead skin cells and leftover food particles start to deposit in the tonsil crypts.
  • They can be in white, yellow color and they are usually soft and squishy.
  • Moreover, they often lead to irritation, bad breath, difficulty swallowing food and breathing problems.

Who Can Suffer from them?

  • If you have been häving problems with chronic inflammation of the tonsils and if they are big or your oral hygiene is not good, then you might suffer from them.
  • The best option for treating them is to remove them surgically.
  • However, they might return again. Moreover, when you get rid of them you remove also a part of the immunity that is very important for preventing bacteria and viruses to enter the body.
  • Alternative Ways to Remove Tonsil Stones
  • Apart from having surgery, you can try and remove them in different ways.
  • The best thing about it is that you can do it from the comfort of your own home. Let’s check it out!

Oral Probiotics:

  • What these do is suffocate the bad bacteria in the mouth that the tonsil stones are causing.
  • The best probiotic against them is S. salivarius K12. Take one probiotic capsule, open it and mix it with 4 oz of warm water. Then, stir and let it dissolve.
  • When it does, swish in the mouth close to where your tonsil stones are.
  • Tilt your head back a bit and spit out. You can also chew some gums or toothpaste as well.

Oral Irrigator:

  • This is a method of flossing, but with water instead of strings.
  • It has a motor, a water reservoir, and a specialized water flosser nozzle.
  • So, in order to remove your tonsil stones, the nozzle has to be put at the tonsil crevices to blast them out.
  • Do not be very aggressive because you might hurt the tonsils. Just set the irrigator at lowest and you will be able to do it.

Dental Irrigation Syringes:

  • Point the syringe directly at the pockets of the tonsils with stones so that you can flush them out.
  • They will remove even the stones that are located deeper in the tonsils. Just keep the head down so that they can fall out the mouth.
  • The mixture consists of equal parts of warm water and 3% hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen will aid in removing the stones.
  • This is because it will create an environment where the bacteria can thrive.


  • If you take one long and big Q-tip you can reach the back of the throat and remove the tonsil stones by yourself.
  • Just push on the visible area gently with the Q-tip and they will get dislodged. You can do this in front of a mirror.
  • Just apply pressure so they can pop out from behind the tonsil pockets.

4 Effective Ways To Remove Tonsil Stones Without Surgery Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Ilyas